We’re glad that you’d like to learn more about us. This online platform is exclusively dedicated to reaching the body of Messiah. You can access Scripture-based information, messages, resources, and other content. So as you explore this site, you’ll discover resources that will inform, educate, motivate and otherwise serve your needs. Since we believe in using our spiritual gifts in our higher calling, art and media are our main tools of engagement. Our content ministers the Word, focusing on Messiah’s overcoming, dominion and deliverance.
As our site grows, we will share more content about a range of thematic areas, including practical knowledge for everyday living, information on health and healing, finance, homemaking, and other topics of interest.
We are not here to debate doctrines, especially when it comes to the Set Apart Name of the Most High! We expect our community to display respect as we exchange information and ideas, and share our knowledge and experiences. Let’s represent our Messiah and demonstrate the love He shows us, as we stand as one body. Remember, a house divided against itself cannot stand!
With this in mind, we stress that it is not what you do but how you do it! Focus on the Word. Be genuine and strive for peace!
NOTE: This is not a church. Therefore, we will never ask for a donation, offering, or tithe! We do not sell anything via this site.
We believe in the Word that says we should freely give, because we have received it all at no cost!