“For I proclaim the Name of יהוה, ascribe greatness to our Alahym." – Deu 32:3 (TS2009)

Powerful Prayers to Move Mountains


pray without ceasing…

– 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer changes everything! It is our soul connection to the Creator of the Universe. On this page, you can access videos, prayer cards, and a prayer book.

Free Sabbath e-Book

We’ve developed this booklet with essential prayers and readings for Sabbath. They include the Abinu, the Shema, the Aharonic Blessing, Opening and Closing Prayers, and a Benediction.

We also include the 10 Commands, which we read every Sabbath. Both versions from Exodus and Deuteronomy (Dabarim/Deuteronomy 6:4-9 TS2009; Shamuth/Exodus 20:1 – 17) are included, as we sometimes alternate the versions.

Download the resource here.

Prayer Cards